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Here you can view several of our multimedia proofs of concept. For a brief project overview, visit our About page, or for more detailed descriptions, read our Reconciliation Framework Report.


Our mockup documentary trailer is comprised of excerpts from the roughly 30 interviews we conducted with African heritage and Indigenous individuals with generational familial and community connections to four Providence neighborhoods affected by mid-twentieth century urban redevelopment projects. Our plan is to produce a short documentary highlighting trends that cut across the interviews, then use that documentary to guide community conversations around truth, reconciliation, and reparations.

Our reconciliation promo video, which includes video clips from our team, members of the African American Ambassador Group, and the Office of the Mayor, was produced by Roger Williams University student and Documentation Team member Emily Dvareckas.


We are proposing to install doorways in public spaces in each of the four neighborhoods of Fox Point, Lippitt Hill, Upper South Providence, and West Elmwood, accompanied by a less permanent (potentially traveling) doorway and room installation installed in the centrally located downtown Providence Public Library. These doorways will serve as perpetual portals into the history of each neighborhood as well as the City as a whole, its living culture, and its vision for a more just and equitable future.

image of proposed doorway installation

By scanning a doorway with a mobile device, users will open up augmented reality rooms containing interactive content such as soundscapes, interviews, archival assets, and data visualizations. To

By scanning a doorway with a mobile device, users will open up augmented reality rooms containing interactive content such as soundscapes, interviews, archival assets, and data visualizations. To access our augmented reality room proof of concept, scan the QR code below with your mobile device. Viewing this page on a mobile device? Access the augmented reality proof of concept via this link.

Our augmented reality rooms will be not only visually immersive but sonically as well. We envision installing a soundscape that operates as an ever-expanding, multi-sensory archive, evolving as we continue to document the evolution of the City’s truth-telling, reconciliation, and reparations initiative. Check our our soundscape proof of concept below:

Our doorways will also serve as starting points from which users can embark on audio-visual walking/driving tours, which we will be enriching with findings from A Matter of Truth and our own additional archival research. Check out our Lippitt Hill proof of concept at PocketSights.

Image of walking/driving audio-visual tour interactive map